In this three part series, I’ll walk you through primary areas that need to be considered when taking your board of directors from dysfunction to high function. These areas include:
- The Four Domains Framework for Understanding Board of Directors’ Functionality
- Top Indicators of Board Health and Dysfunction
- Root Cause Analysis of Dysfunction in Your Board of Directors
The Four Domains Framework for Understanding Board of Directors’ Functionality.
Leading Associations’ Board Health Test examines four domains of board functioning:
- Individual
- Cultural
- Structural, and
- Strategic
Our 20-question assessment is based on the idea that, as in any team environment, you have individual dynamics, group dynamics, rules of the game and outcomes to achieve.
The four-domain framework essentially provides a balanced scorecard approach to board evaluation. Although the domains are presented as four discrete areas, in reality, they aren’t. They might be more appropriately represented as a Venn diagram or matrix; they’re interwoven. The usefulness of separating them into separate domains is in diagnosing the root cause of suboptimal functioning.
People vs. Process

“Our experience is that individual and interpersonal dynamics supersede policies and procedures. To put it another way, you can only solve process problems, not people problems, with process solutions.”
About the Author

Jeff brings a combination of association experience and formal education to Leading Associations’ clients. His present responsibilities include dealing with both the strategic and tactical aspects of running associations. His special areas of expertise include working with boards and committees, certification, training programs, and membership systems. You can reach Jeff on LinkedIn or via email.